Kern County Nut Festival
June 7, 2014 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Presented by the Kern County Museum Foundation
Bakersfield, California
On the grounds of the historic Kern County Museum, 3801 Chester Ave.
A community-wide festival celebrating the culinary delights and health benefits of Kern County nuts – almonds, pistachios, pecans and walnuts – will take place June 7, 2014.
There will be “nuttin’ but fun” at the Kern County Nut Festival, which is patterned after large festivals such as the Gilroy Garlic Festival. This food and fun fest will feature events such as cooking demonstrations, signature food dishes, nutty concoctions, music, dancing, crafts, art, agricultural exhibits, games, health information, contests and other “nutty activities.